TC73, LAN, 6,0inch Display, Wi-Fi 6E, 8GB RAM/128GB flash, SE4770, 8MP front camera, 16MP rear camera, warm swap, 4680 mAh Standard Battery,, GMS, ROW RESTRICTED ITEM CLASS 4, REQUIRED CORRESPONDING C
Part Number do Produto
TC73, LAN, 6,0inch Display, Wi-Fi 6E, 8GB RAM/128GB flash, SE4770, 8MP front camera, 16MP rear camera, warm swap, 4680 mAh Standard Battery,, GMS, ROW RESTRICTED ITEM CLASS 4, REQUIRED CORRESPONDING C
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TC73, LAN, 6,0inch Display, Wi-Fi 6E, 8GB RAM/128GB flash, SE4770, 8MP front camera, 16MP rear camera, warm swap, 4680 mAh Standard Battery,, GMS, ROW RESTRICTED ITEM CLASS 4, REQUIRED CORRESPONDING CERTIFICATION
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